Signs You May Be Deficient in Minerals

November 14, 2022 5 min read

Signs You May Be Deficient in Minerals

Do you have trouble sleeping or painful muscle cramps and spasms? Are you concerned about osteoporosis and keeping your bones strong?  Do you have acne or rosacea, or frequently catch the cold or flu virus? Do you often feel fatigue, have restless legs or crave chewing ice? If so, you may be deficient in minerals. Yes, your body needs vitamins, but minerals like magnesiumcalcium, zincand iron are just as important. 


Magnesium is the mineral that supports muscle relaxation, which helps to prevent leg cramps and muscle spasms. It also promotes deeper sleep and normal blood pressure. Magnesium is critical for the absorption of calcium for strong bones. Also, if chocolate is calling your name, you may be deficient in magnesium. Even your brain needs magnesium for memory and good moods. It helps so many different areas of the body, you can see why many of our clients refer to magnesium as “the miracle supplement”.

There are a lot of magnesium supplements on the market and it’s important to look for the right type and quality so your body can actually make use of it. Research has found that magnesium glycinate is the best form for relaxing the tissues. Magnesium Glycinate 100 (tablet form) and Magnesium Glycinate 75 (capsule form) are great for all of the symptoms mentioned above. If you’re having trouble with constipation, Magnesium Citrate helps draw moisture into the intestines to help aid bowl movements. If you need support with all of the above (sleep, relaxation, constipation, etc!), Mixed Magnesium contains both forms and will be your best friend.

We recommend taking 200-800 mg per day, especially if you are having trouble sleeping. Your nutritionist can help you determine the amount and the type that’s right for your symptoms.

“I've used this product for years with wonderful results. If I've overworked my muscles or suffer from restless legs, I take 2 tablets and sleep well all night long.” -Audra on NutriKey’s Mag Glycinate 100


Most of us have heard the benefits of calcium since childhood to keep our bones strong. In addition to helping your bones, calcium contributes to strong teeth, better sleep, and even helps protect against colon cancer according to The Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Calcium collaborates with other minerals to help regulate heartbeat, lower cholesterol, and support a healthy blood pressure.

If you are having difficulty sleeping, our dietitians and nutritionists will sometimes recommend adding a calcium supplement to help you sleep through the night. Calcium is important for deep sleep cycles and is used by the brain to create melatonin. If you’ve tried every other sleep option, calcium could be the missing piece of the puzzle.

If you’re concerned about bone health, we recommend taking three capsules of Activated Calcium daily. It’s best to take it at night with magnesium, which helps with the absorption of calcium in your body. If you want to combine your magnesium and calcium together, Activated Cal-Mag is an option and contains an added dose of vitamin D3 to help with bone mineral density. For those who don’t enjoy swallowing tablets or capsules, we also have an Activated Calcium Chewable in a chocolate flavor that feels like a special treat for your bones, teeth, and overall health!

“I have been taking Activated Calcium for some time now. It has helped me in my aging process. It did help in my healing quickly and painlessly from a fall where I broke my wrist and needed surgery. Through the whole process my pain level was never above a level 2. It amazed everyone.” -Gaye

Want to learn more about minerals, take our on-demand nutrition class The Magic of Minerals for only $25. You’ll have 120 days viewing access!
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Do you always feel like you need a sweet after a meal? Do you still get the dreaded acne? Do you feel like you are sick all the time? If you answered yes to one or all of these questions, you may be zinc deficient.

Zinc boosts our i­mmunity to help fight viral and bacterial infections and supports good skin, hair, and wound healing by supporting the mucosal membranes. Often when zinc levels decrease, acne severity increases. Zinc can also support thyroid health and help with appetite and taste.

Zinc is a mineral that our bodies can’t store, so we need a constant supply in our diets. Check with your nutritionist to determine how much zinc you may need. For most people, one capsule a day is sufficient. Be careful to always take this mineral with food as it can cause upset when taken on an empty stomach.

“Very happy with price and quality. Nice to be able to afford to keep immune system healthy.” -Kim on NutriKey’s Zinc


Iron is a mineral that helps produce hemoglobin, a protein in the blood that transports oxygen throughout the body. We need proper blood oxygen flow to support cell growth and repair, affecting all of our tissues and bodily functions. Therefore, it is easy to see how important maintaining adequate iron is for our health and for feeling our best. Without enough iron, you can develop anemia, which is a low level of red blood cells. Common symptoms of iron deficiency are fatigue, low energy, restless legs, lack of focus, low immune function, brittle nails, hair loss, or craving ice to chew. A simple blood test at your doctor’s office can give you the answer. It’s especially important to have your hemoglobin and ferritin levels checked if you are menstruating (particularly if you have heavy periods), pregnant or vegetarian/vegan.

A word of caution: only take iron if you are deficient as high levels of iron can be toxic, which is why a blood test is imperative. Many folks get sufficient iron from food sources and, because the body initially holds its iron in the red blood cells, donating blood can be a great treatment for higher levels of iron. Men and menopausal women who are no longer menstruating should look for multivitamins without iron and those who are deficient should look for an iron product that is in a chelated form for better digestion. Low quality iron supplements can cause constipation and indigestion, while an iron glycinate or iron bis-glycinate will be easily absorbed without upset to the digestive system.

NutriKey Iron is formulated using this chelated form of iron for better absorption and easier digestion. Those who have taken an iron supplement in the past with side effects or without success may find better results with our chelated form. For dosing, work with your nutritionist or medical practitioner to determine what works best for you, but we’ve found one capsule works well for most. Vitamin C can also help the absorption of iron, so consider taking a Complete C-1000 with your iron.

Supplements Can Help A Real Food Approach
If you’ve noticed any of the symptoms above in yourself, you may be deficient in one or more of these important minerals. And it’s a good reminder to say: you can’t out-supplement a poor diet! Start incorporating real foods that contain these minerals into your diet and then use high-quality supplements to fill in your nutritional gaps. If you need help incorporating these real foods or identifying the right supplementation plan for your specific health needs, our dietitians and nutritionists over at our sister company, Nutritional Weight & Wellness, can help!